dance artist
Something rivering
A passage got its direction from a river delta, a city’s spinalcordveinesofluidintestinephagus.
Jokin suistuu joeksi (Something rivering) is an audio walk piece and a crooked cartography of interactivity between mud, water, paved sidewalks and passages in different sediments of time. It is listening situated on asphalted clay, oxygenless time folds – at the intersections between language, bodies, buildings and constructions.
The piece can be listened to here.
Urban Anatomies Teleport: Pie Kär, Tarleena Laakko, Riikka Lakea, Oula Rytkönen and Maja Wilhite-Hannisdal
Production: Ehkä-production and Urban Anatomies Teleport
Residency: Ehkä-production / Kutomo (Turku)
Supported by: City of Turku, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and Performing Arts Hub Norway
Premiere: 2.12.2020 XS festival / Kutomo, Turku
Duration: 30–40 min
Performance language: Finnish
Photo: Pie Kär and Oula Rytkönen